
The practice is heavily committed to its role in education. Qualified doctors, known as GP registrars, are attached to the practice for 6 to 12 months to gain experience in primary care. These doctors usually become general practitioners after completing their training. During training they are supervised and encouraged to seek advice, when required, from the practice partners. 


Sometimes, patients are requested to allow their consultations to be videotaped. These are only seen by doctors involved with training and are of great educational benefit. Patient consent is sought prior to any video consultation. Your co-operation in this is greatly appreciated, but you can of course decline to be videotaped if you so wish.


From time to time the practice will have undergraduate medical students on placement gaining experience in primary health care. As the undergraduate curriculum at Liverpool Medical School now involves more community exposure, the numbers and the length of time students will be in the practice will increase. We thank you for your co-operation in helping to train the doctors of tomorrow.
Both the practice nurses and community staff, district nurses and health visitors have training roles. They have students working with them under their supervision to gain valuable primary healthcare experience.